The Policy of Joint Agreement.
Solving conflict in a blended family is not a speciality of mine. I often find myself in the midst of conflict because of something I said or something directed at me or my kids. Usually it ends up in some hurt feelings or a hard nosed grudge match for the day, then we resolve to resolve it and we move on. Sounds like a viscious cycle? That's what I thought also. We have to change something in order for any changes to occure. Otherwise we will just keep on going around and around until ultimately someone gets really hurt or offended and says "enough is enough". I don't want it to get to that point. If you keep doing the same things you keep getting the same results, right? I know all of this stuff. So why can't we come up with a solution to all this conflict????? Dr. Harley might just be on to something with the policy of joint agreement. Check it out and let me know what you think . . .
More later . . .
Monday, June 1, 2009
Star Trek
I finnally saw Star Trek, the new motion picture from Paramount. This is the Pre-quel to the James T. Kirk stories. I was rivited to my seat for the entire show. The story takes you from the birth of Kirk up to the point of him becoming captain of the Enterprise. Well done!! Lots of Action. Not just a 180 minute version of the T.V. series. Although I would love to see a weekly series come from this story. I think this movie is going to do great things for the whole Trek structure. Kudos to Abrams. Ty Burr of the Boston Globe liked it also, for his review visit <"">