Friday, October 26, 2007
Thanks to Jenice and her slime-ball, jackass, low-life, scum sucking asshole attorney, as of about 10:30 on Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 - I am now a divorced man. Finally free from the life-draining, blood curdling, manipulating, controlling, icy grips of the bitch who made my life hell for the last 6 years or so. I am truely Grateful for the course of events. Sticking close to my recovery philosophies that nothing happens in God's world by accident, and that everything happens for a reason - the unfair Judgement that was entered by His Honor and Supreme Asshole - Circut Court Cockface - Judge Alexander is exactly what was supposed to happen. Am I just a little bitter???? NAHHHHHHH!!!!! what would make you think that? I am just going to live life on lifes terms and everything will be alright. Thanks to my sweetie - I know things will be just fine.
Hey, honey, I know things have been rough, but it'll be okay...cuz we have each other. I love you!!