Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Eating the Elephant
I originally posted this on November 9, 2009
You have heard the question, "How do you eat an elephant?" The answer is, "one bite at a time." This metaphor applies to achieving any big goal, as well. How do you achieve a huge goal? You accomplish it one step, one task, one measure at a time.
When you invest an extra one or two hours per day in self-improvement, the cumulative effect on your greater ability to get results can be extraordinary.
taken from "Time Managment Success" by Brian Tracy International
Glen Beck's Thanksgiving message
This came to my attention the day before Thanksgiving. I read it thru a couple of times and even though the holiday has passed, I think his words still apply today. Now don't get me wrong, I am not a big fan of Beck. I usually dont agree with most of what he says. Sometimes I think there is a nugget worth while. This is one of those... do you agree?
November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Ok, I promised my wife that I wouldn’t freak out her whole family this Thanksgiving and start talking about all the things going on in the country. But I never said anything about talking to all of you…so brace yourself for my Thanksgiving message.
Ok, yes there are a lot of problems in our country, but today isn’t about bad news. It’s so easy, especially with how things are, to get tunnel vision and focus only on the bad. Politicians have lied to us again and again leading to the highest levels of distrust in history. The economy is a rollercoaster. Friends and family are out of work and the cost of living just seems to get higher and higher. Are you beginning to see why the family put the 'downer' ban on me this year? Life is hard, it’s a struggle - but there's also hope.
There is good news, positive news, and on a day of thanks I think it’s important we talk about those things. Start in your own home. Take a look around and take stock of the things that really matter: Faith. Family. Friends. I’m so excited about Thanksgiving because it gives me time to reconnect with these three critical pieces of my life. While I try and keep things in perspective all year it’s easy to get lost in the bad and forget these three important things.
Faith. Take a moment to look at the role that God plays in your life. I don’t care what church you go to, but I do think that God should be an important piece of everyone’s life. This Thanksgiving, get down on your knees and pray. Invite your family to join you. Turn off the football, step away from the turkey, and give thanks for God’s forgiveness. While in this quiet reflection, take the opportunity to find clarity as well. Now, more than ever, it is important to know what God has planned for you and your life. He did not create you to sit around and eat Doritos all day - so what is it He wants you to do?
Family. Ok, I know not everyone loves being around their relatives during the holidays. You’ve got the crazy uncle telling nonsensical stories or an annoying in-law bugging you about how you’re holding the carving knife the wrong way. Everyone has to deal with this. Just close your eyes, take a breath, and when you open your eyes again realize how much these people shape your life and the lives of those that matter most to you. Your family will be there with you through thick and thin – no matter what happens. No matter how crazy things get during the holidays, know that these are the people that have your back. Step back and enjoy their fellowship during the holidays.
Friends. Anyone else out there have a friend they haven’t spoken to in a while? I know I do. This one may sound a little odd, after all faith and family are easier to reconnect with during the holidays than old friends. But I would ask that you call an old friend that you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Touch base, see how they are. The holidays can be rough, many of us have lost family and are going through tough times. Connect with someone who you haven’t spoken with in a while – you never know the difference you may make in a person’s life with just a phone call.
Faith. Family. Friends. These are the connections that sustain us in our life, no matter what may be going on in the world. I’m going to be announcing some things to help bring us all together over the next year – but the first steps begin at home.
Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!
Laos Deo,
November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
Ok, I promised my wife that I wouldn’t freak out her whole family this Thanksgiving and start talking about all the things going on in the country. But I never said anything about talking to all of you…so brace yourself for my Thanksgiving message.
Ok, yes there are a lot of problems in our country, but today isn’t about bad news. It’s so easy, especially with how things are, to get tunnel vision and focus only on the bad. Politicians have lied to us again and again leading to the highest levels of distrust in history. The economy is a rollercoaster. Friends and family are out of work and the cost of living just seems to get higher and higher. Are you beginning to see why the family put the 'downer' ban on me this year? Life is hard, it’s a struggle - but there's also hope.
There is good news, positive news, and on a day of thanks I think it’s important we talk about those things. Start in your own home. Take a look around and take stock of the things that really matter: Faith. Family. Friends. I’m so excited about Thanksgiving because it gives me time to reconnect with these three critical pieces of my life. While I try and keep things in perspective all year it’s easy to get lost in the bad and forget these three important things.
Faith. Take a moment to look at the role that God plays in your life. I don’t care what church you go to, but I do think that God should be an important piece of everyone’s life. This Thanksgiving, get down on your knees and pray. Invite your family to join you. Turn off the football, step away from the turkey, and give thanks for God’s forgiveness. While in this quiet reflection, take the opportunity to find clarity as well. Now, more than ever, it is important to know what God has planned for you and your life. He did not create you to sit around and eat Doritos all day - so what is it He wants you to do?
Family. Ok, I know not everyone loves being around their relatives during the holidays. You’ve got the crazy uncle telling nonsensical stories or an annoying in-law bugging you about how you’re holding the carving knife the wrong way. Everyone has to deal with this. Just close your eyes, take a breath, and when you open your eyes again realize how much these people shape your life and the lives of those that matter most to you. Your family will be there with you through thick and thin – no matter what happens. No matter how crazy things get during the holidays, know that these are the people that have your back. Step back and enjoy their fellowship during the holidays.
Friends. Anyone else out there have a friend they haven’t spoken to in a while? I know I do. This one may sound a little odd, after all faith and family are easier to reconnect with during the holidays than old friends. But I would ask that you call an old friend that you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Touch base, see how they are. The holidays can be rough, many of us have lost family and are going through tough times. Connect with someone who you haven’t spoken with in a while – you never know the difference you may make in a person’s life with just a phone call.
Faith. Family. Friends. These are the connections that sustain us in our life, no matter what may be going on in the world. I’m going to be announcing some things to help bring us all together over the next year – but the first steps begin at home.
Have a wonderful and happy Thanksgiving!
Laos Deo,
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Random thoughts, Goal setting, Happy???
This last week has been a very thoughtful and searching week for me. With Thanksgiving right on the doorstep, I have been mulling over the many things that I have to be grateful for… a there is a shit-ton. While doing this, I have been measurable more happy. Hmmm… go figure. Not thinking about all the bad things in this world, in MY world. Instead considering all of the things I am blessed with. First and foremost, my spiritual connection with the God of my understanding. I’m not gonna get real, real deep here but I have a strong relationship with My God. Not your God or their God and anybody else’s God. I am so grateful for this deep faith and belief that My God is in the driver’s seat. Nothing happens to me today by accident. I know that my God is taking care of me, looking out for me and if I allow Him to, He puts exactly what I need in front of me when I need it.
I hear people complain that life is so hard and nothing good ever happens to them. Or when this or that happens, things will get better… I can’t bother myself with thoughts like this cause I have found that it just clouds my vision. As far as I know, nobody got a promise when they were born that life was gonna be perfect, easy and glorious everyday. Wonderful things happen to me all day long, everyday! If I am looking for them I find them.
Rembering right now the Native American Indian story of the two wolves inside us all. The good one and the bad one. The wolf who lives on is the one we feed or something, something, bla, bla, bla, (jk!) (random thought thrown in for good measure).
I’m grateful today for the moment. I don’t have control over much today. I didn’t have much control over yesterday and I’m pretty certain I won’t have much control over what happens tomorrow, next week, next month. I DO have control over how I treat this moment. How I act, how I feel and how I think. Just for this moment. If I do everything I can and do what I am supposed to be doing, then it’s a good moment and that carries into the next. A string of good moments equals a good day, then week and so on… I’ve said many times; I’ve been Happy and I’ve been sad and angry. I like Happy much better. Oh yeah, and I have a little control over this?? I choose Happy!!!
So I’m grateful for My God. For this moment right now. And also for shelter over my families head. For the ability to earn an income and to help provide what my family needs. Are all the bills paid? All the creditors satisfied? Everybody has everything they want??? Well …(dramatic pause) … NO!! Aw Hell No!! Of course not. I don’t live in a perfect world. Life is not always easy. I know this. I don’t need to continually dwell on this. I am grateful for the people I am surrounded by today. I am grateful that I have people in my life that I love. That I care deeply about their lives and who care about me.
I said recently that I was going to set some goals and share them here. Well today my goal is simple. Let God take control. Do what I can to make other people reasonably happy. Take care of what I can. Take care of what I’m supposed to. Work on enjoying the moment and to be Happy. Pretty simple. Are there a ton of things that I would like to do? Sure there are! Is it important to have goals and shoot for them. Yes, of course there is but today I’m aiming for Happy!!
And to you, Happiness Today! If nothing else, be Happy and Happy Thanksgiving to you…
I hear people complain that life is so hard and nothing good ever happens to them. Or when this or that happens, things will get better… I can’t bother myself with thoughts like this cause I have found that it just clouds my vision. As far as I know, nobody got a promise when they were born that life was gonna be perfect, easy and glorious everyday. Wonderful things happen to me all day long, everyday! If I am looking for them I find them.
Rembering right now the Native American Indian story of the two wolves inside us all. The good one and the bad one. The wolf who lives on is the one we feed or something, something, bla, bla, bla, (jk!) (random thought thrown in for good measure).
I’m grateful today for the moment. I don’t have control over much today. I didn’t have much control over yesterday and I’m pretty certain I won’t have much control over what happens tomorrow, next week, next month. I DO have control over how I treat this moment. How I act, how I feel and how I think. Just for this moment. If I do everything I can and do what I am supposed to be doing, then it’s a good moment and that carries into the next. A string of good moments equals a good day, then week and so on… I’ve said many times; I’ve been Happy and I’ve been sad and angry. I like Happy much better. Oh yeah, and I have a little control over this?? I choose Happy!!!
So I’m grateful for My God. For this moment right now. And also for shelter over my families head. For the ability to earn an income and to help provide what my family needs. Are all the bills paid? All the creditors satisfied? Everybody has everything they want??? Well …(dramatic pause) … NO!! Aw Hell No!! Of course not. I don’t live in a perfect world. Life is not always easy. I know this. I don’t need to continually dwell on this. I am grateful for the people I am surrounded by today. I am grateful that I have people in my life that I love. That I care deeply about their lives and who care about me.
I said recently that I was going to set some goals and share them here. Well today my goal is simple. Let God take control. Do what I can to make other people reasonably happy. Take care of what I can. Take care of what I’m supposed to. Work on enjoying the moment and to be Happy. Pretty simple. Are there a ton of things that I would like to do? Sure there are! Is it important to have goals and shoot for them. Yes, of course there is but today I’m aiming for Happy!!
And to you, Happiness Today! If nothing else, be Happy and Happy Thanksgiving to you…
Monday, November 14, 2011
Fall Renewal???
I don't know who this guy is, I really don't. I found his blog following some research into a MLM company and product Protandim. His site calls the company and product a scam but that is neither here nor there. I was involved in Xyngular for a bit of time last year. Did okay...then couldn't afford the products and had to bow out. Really wanted to make it work but the time just wasn't right. Not going to make a bunch of excuses cause there are no legit reasons. Just didn't make it work. I would like to get back into it but $$ is still a problem around my household so... that is not the reason for my post today. I have not blogged in a long time and felt the urge to do it...
This guy on the lazy man and money blog had posted some very interesting points. Things that I have done in the past but have not been doing lately. I am making a commitment to start back on a plan of action. I feel like I am in a rut. This is a time when I need to be growing and advancing. So here we go...
In the next few days, I am going to be setting some goals and guaging my progress on this blog. That's my plan any way...
More to come!
How To Be Successful
[Note: I've republished this article at the beginning of the year the last couple of years. With many people looking to have their best year ever, I feel like doing my best part to provide a semblance of a road map.]
The Most Important Key to Success
•Do What You Love - You aren't going to be successful at something you spend all day dreading. When I was excited about software engineering, I was good - perhaps even above average ;-). When I got stuck on a project that didn't interest me, I was honestly a poor software engineer.
Preparation and Planning
•Make a List of Short, Medium, and Long Term Goals - Each night before I go to sleep, I try to write down 5-10 things that I want to accomplish the next day. I make sure that at least 3-4 are things that I can complete that day and purge from my to-do list. I also make sure to add a couple of small parts of medium or long-term projects. Here's an example. I'm looking to write an eBook. One day my goal was to create an outline of the book - 9-12 chapters and 3-5 things that I wanted to cover in each chapter. The next day one of my goals was to write at least one of those 3-5 things in one chapter. In 1-2 months, I'll have my eBook written.
•Catalog Your Progress - I started this blog to keep me accountable. I can't go out and buy a Ferrari on credit and then write about it here. Instead, I catalog my alternative income progress here. Each day, I think about how I'm going to grow that so that next month I don't have to live up to my moniker.
This guy on the lazy man and money blog had posted some very interesting points. Things that I have done in the past but have not been doing lately. I am making a commitment to start back on a plan of action. I feel like I am in a rut. This is a time when I need to be growing and advancing. So here we go...
In the next few days, I am going to be setting some goals and guaging my progress on this blog. That's my plan any way...
More to come!
How To Be Successful
[Note: I've republished this article at the beginning of the year the last couple of years. With many people looking to have their best year ever, I feel like doing my best part to provide a semblance of a road map.]
The Most Important Key to Success
•Do What You Love - You aren't going to be successful at something you spend all day dreading. When I was excited about software engineering, I was good - perhaps even above average ;-). When I got stuck on a project that didn't interest me, I was honestly a poor software engineer.
Preparation and Planning
•Make a List of Short, Medium, and Long Term Goals - Each night before I go to sleep, I try to write down 5-10 things that I want to accomplish the next day. I make sure that at least 3-4 are things that I can complete that day and purge from my to-do list. I also make sure to add a couple of small parts of medium or long-term projects. Here's an example. I'm looking to write an eBook. One day my goal was to create an outline of the book - 9-12 chapters and 3-5 things that I wanted to cover in each chapter. The next day one of my goals was to write at least one of those 3-5 things in one chapter. In 1-2 months, I'll have my eBook written.
•Catalog Your Progress - I started this blog to keep me accountable. I can't go out and buy a Ferrari on credit and then write about it here. Instead, I catalog my alternative income progress here. Each day, I think about how I'm going to grow that so that next month I don't have to live up to my moniker.