Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Random thoughts, Goal setting, Happy???

This last week has been a very thoughtful and searching week for me. With Thanksgiving right on the doorstep, I have been mulling over the many things that I have to be grateful for… a there is a shit-ton. While doing this, I have been measurable more happy. Hmmm… go figure. Not thinking about all the bad things in this world, in MY world. Instead considering all of the things I am blessed with. First and foremost, my spiritual connection with the God of my understanding. I’m not gonna get real, real deep here but I have a strong relationship with My God. Not your God or their God and anybody else’s God. I am so grateful for this deep faith and belief that My God is in the driver’s seat. Nothing happens to me today by accident. I know that my God is taking care of me, looking out for me and if I allow Him to, He puts exactly what I need in front of me when I need it.

I hear people complain that life is so hard and nothing good ever happens to them. Or when this or that happens, things will get better… I can’t bother myself with thoughts like this cause I have found that it just clouds my vision. As far as I know, nobody got a promise when they were born that life was gonna be perfect, easy and glorious everyday. Wonderful things happen to me all day long, everyday! If I am looking for them I find them.

Rembering right now the Native American Indian story of the two wolves inside us all. The good one and the bad one. The wolf who lives on is the one we feed or something, something, bla, bla, bla, (jk!) (random thought thrown in for good measure).

I’m grateful today for the moment. I don’t have control over much today. I didn’t have much control over yesterday and I’m pretty certain I won’t have much control over what happens tomorrow, next week, next month. I DO have control over how I treat this moment. How I act, how I feel and how I think. Just for this moment. If I do everything I can and do what I am supposed to be doing, then it’s a good moment and that carries into the next. A string of good moments equals a good day, then week and so on… I’ve said many times; I’ve been Happy and I’ve been sad and angry. I like Happy much better. Oh yeah, and I have a little control over this?? I choose Happy!!!

So I’m grateful for My God. For this moment right now. And also for shelter over my families head. For the ability to earn an income and to help provide what my family needs. Are all the bills paid? All the creditors satisfied? Everybody has everything they want??? Well …(dramatic pause) … NO!! Aw Hell No!! Of course not. I don’t live in a perfect world. Life is not always easy. I know this. I don’t need to continually dwell on this. I am grateful for the people I am surrounded by today. I am grateful that I have people in my life that I love. That I care deeply about their lives and who care about me.

I said recently that I was going to set some goals and share them here. Well today my goal is simple. Let God take control. Do what I can to make other people reasonably happy. Take care of what I can. Take care of what I’m supposed to. Work on enjoying the moment and to be Happy. Pretty simple. Are there a ton of things that I would like to do? Sure there are! Is it important to have goals and shoot for them. Yes, of course there is but today I’m aiming for Happy!!

And to you, Happiness Today! If nothing else, be Happy and Happy Thanksgiving to you…

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