Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Un-aired Top 10 list

From the Home Office in Wahoo, Nebraska
...An Exclusive Un-Aired Top Ten List
Edited From the 10/19/07 Broadcast
Top Ten Thoughts That Keep Me, Dave Letterman, Up At Night
10. Should I ask my doctor if Cialis is right for me?
9. Is it too late to go to beauty school?
8. Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow.
7. What makes Slim Jims so damn good?
6. How can I resolve my rap feud with Kanye West?
5. Seriously, what makes Slim Jims so damn good?
4. Is Fred Nigro skimming?
3. What the hell ever happened to Monkeypox?
2. Will Marie Osmond last another week on "Dancing with the Stars"?
1. Siegfried and Dave?
©MMVII, CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Late Show NewsletterLate Show with David Letterman - 1697 Broadway - New York, NY 10019

Friday, October 26, 2007


Thanks to Jenice and her slime-ball, jackass, low-life, scum sucking asshole attorney, as of about 10:30 on Wednesday, October 24th, 2007 - I am now a divorced man. Finally free from the life-draining, blood curdling, manipulating, controlling, icy grips of the bitch who made my life hell for the last 6 years or so. I am truely Grateful for the course of events. Sticking close to my recovery philosophies that nothing happens in God's world by accident, and that everything happens for a reason - the unfair Judgement that was entered by His Honor and Supreme Asshole - Circut Court Cockface - Judge Alexander is exactly what was supposed to happen. Am I just a little bitter???? NAHHHHHHH!!!!! what would make you think that? I am just going to live life on lifes terms and everything will be alright. Thanks to my sweetie - I know things will be just fine.

Wisdom for Today - October 26th, 2007

Recovery Lane
Wisdom for Today
I want to be alcohol and drug free for the rest of my days. For a long time I was not sure this would be possible. I always feared relapse. Somewhere along the road to recovery I discovered that this really was not up to me, and I am glad it is not. What I learned was that if I relied on myself, there would always be a risk for returning to addictive use. However, when I realized that if I left this up to God, I no longer needed to worry about or fear relapse. This did not mean that I could stop working the steps or going to meetings, but it did mean that if I surrendered to my Higher Power's will for me that I could be confident that He would not lead me back into addiction.
Instead I have been led on an incredible journey through the steps. Sometimes the path was rocky and steep, and the climb was hard. Sometimes I found that my life changed in remarkable ways, and I found new freedoms. Each step along the way, God has walked with me. Thus far, by the grace of God, I have not wanted to go back to the insanity. As time passes, I grow more and more confident that God is leading me on a path that does not involve relapse. This is not to say, it has been easy. In fact, I have had some very difficult challenges in recovery. Yet I am always led though these difficult times and find growing evidence that my Higher Power really does care for me. Am I turning over my will and my life to His care?
Meditations for the Heart
In the Big Book is a line that says, "Half measures availed us nothing." There is no place this is truer than with our spiritual lives. I can put hours and hours of effort into working at change in my life. Yet if I ignore my spiritual development or only go halfway in my spiritual effort, all my work can fall apart. I learned this from old-timers in the program. I was told, " Never be afraid to ask God for help or for what you need." In recognizing some of my character defects, I found that they were not easy to let go of. I could work and work at trying to change my behavior, and nothing would change. Then I would talk with my sponsor, and he would ask me if I had prayed for willingness to let go. I, of course, would say that I asked God to remove the defect. My sponsor again would ask if I prayed for willingness. When I finally would stop being stubborn and would listen, I realized that I had been praying for the wrong thing. I needed to be entirely ready to let go of this defect. There was a part of me that always wanted to hang on to my old behavior. Only in spiritual preparation did I become ready to let go. Do I prepare myself spiritually for change?
Petitions to my Higher Power
Today help me to be open to spiritual development. Give me courage to use all measures necessary for change. Let me be willing to follow where You lead me. Let me always surrender my will and follow Your will for me. Amen.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Sunday is for Prayer

Today I know that Your light is there for me even on the days that seem dark and overcast. Even when my problems seem most troubling, Your light shines. I know that as long as I follow the steps, Your light cannot disappear from my eyes again. Give me the strength today to humbly follow the Twelve Steps and stay in Your light. Amen.

Friday, September 28, 2007

The Law of the Garbage Truck

The Law of the Garbage Truck

Many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment.

As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it. And if you let them, they'll dump it on you. When someone wants to dump on you, don't take it personally. You just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. You'll be happy you did.

How often do you let garbage trucks run right over you? And how often do you take their garbage and spread it to other people: at work, at home, on the streets?

Tell yourself, "I'm not going to do it anymore."

Start really seeing the garbage trucks. See the load they're carrying. See them coming to drop it off. Don't make it a personal thing…just smile, wave, wish them well and move on.

Good leaders know they have to be ready for their next meeting.

Good parents know that they have to welcome their children home from school with hugs and kisses.

Leaders and parents know that they have to be fully present, and at their best for the people they care about.

The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.

What about you?

What would happen in your life, starting today, if you let more garbage trucks pass you by?

One bet is that you'll be happier.

Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets, so love the people who treat you right. Forget about the ones who don't.

Believe that everything happens for a reason.

If you get a chance , TAKE IT!

If it changes your life, LET IT!

Nobody said it would be easy...they just promised it would be worth it!

Thanks to my Wonderful Significant Other and Friend Laura for this post.

Welcome to my New Blog

I have been kicking around the idea of starting a blog based on the philosophies of Dr. Bob and Bill W. Two men who got together in 1934 and combined have changed the lives of millions in not billions of people throughout the world. I would be just one of those included in the many who have had the opportunity to improve their life and the quality of life of those around them. This is not inteded as a site strictly for people in a twelve step program. I am posting this in a light hearted kinda tongue in cheek sorta way. I hope that Karen and Laura get a chuckle out of this. Stay tuned for more . . .